I think the government is showing panic, which it should not.
We did not have any ‘major’ natural calamities or war or spread of any epidemics.
Earlier the economy was running on ‘free’ money. This source is now blocked. No more free lunches.
The ones, who were enjoying these free lunches are utilising their ill – gotten money to spread lies and fear.
Share market , under normal circumstances should be the barometer of economic health. By doing insider trading and other artificial and unethical practices the share prices were held high , though the prices were unrealistic.
Earlier people went out and bought more than they needed and deserved. Took heavy loans and were living under fear and unhappiness.
This correction is needed for us to go forward. After every attempt to bowl, to do a high jump or long jump, one has to go back a few steps behind and start from a new start. so the economy is just doing that.
Everyone has money but they are not spending it, they are not buying things. Unless people start buying , these stimulus will not make any differences.
All those who want to work gets jobs. It’s only those who do not want to work , are jobless.
In a state like k****a , where you have just about 3 crores of population [one crore of them lives across the world , from Coimbatore to Canada /Australia etc., we have unemployment of a certain percentage. These unemployed people are living on the remittances from outside. They have enough money to buy Liquor[Indian made /foreign] and they have more than 25 lakhs people from north and north east working there, earning hand some salaries. They send out (25x30x1000 ) lakhs to their native place. Rs7500crore. Even if someone argues with me that the number is only 2.5 lakhs, still Rs750 crores is going out of the state, per month. Calculate the annual figures.
Let us sell all government owned companies to mutual funds through auctions.[other than the sensitive ones].
Let the mutual funds be under strict vigil like the banks for complete transparency.
Let us create special fast courts to book , punish and recover the loot from the politicians, government servants, business men .
Let us convert two state subjects into central subjects ; namely education and rivers.
Convert all educational institutes to develop skills alone. No more subordinate clerks, who can speak, understand and write English and knows arithmetic [to do addition, subtractions, multiplication and division.].This was the requirement of the British .
Let us take a world bank loan or friendly loans from countries like Japan [with absolutely no strings attached] to connect our rivers to make the whole of India , agriculture friendly. Let us become the market for food grains , fruits, vegetables and just about any of the agricultural products, for the entire world.
This way , we create jobs and create demand for our products.
Our food products and our skilled people will help us to conquer the world [not in the political sense , but otherwise].