In Kerala, it will take at least another 10 years for BJP to start winning some seats, unless something drastic happens or miracle happens.
Hindus in Kerala are highly fragmented not just on caste lines but within the castes too.
A Christian or a Muslim will vote for the better Christian or better Muslim [if there are two of them from the same religion] or simply vote for their brother/sister, irrespective of the party lines. Divisions within their religion [they too have more divisions than the different castes amongst Hindus] never stops them for voting.
BJP in Kerala is a divided house, whether one accepts or not.
At times the leaders works against their own candidates. For every election a new candidate is found and some of them are shuffled across, Kerala , thereby losing any remote chances of a win.
Leaders and candidates talk big during and after the election , till the votes are counted . most of the times , they finish a very poor third.
If BJP wants to make an impression, they must show patience and work very hard , with single minded purpose and determination.
First of all , let them select candidates for the panchayat and Municipal elections, at ward levels , taluk levels and block levels.
They will be selected for the next two local government elections.
They will start working amongst the people , by not talking and NEGATIVE , but all the positive things done by the Central government and other BJP rules states. They will be associated with every possible social and other functions and activities. They will also be working for the assembly and parliament candidates , whenever elections to those bodies are announced. They have to get maximum votes from each of these wards, irrespective of Muslim or Christian voters. Here they will have to win votes by showing what a good human being they are.
BJP should elect two sets of candidates for the assembly constituencies [ one as an alternative to the other] and they should work together to create a positive feeling for the party. They will work for themselves , the Panchayat level elections and parliament elections. Most active full time workers.
They will also be selected for the next two elections [and bye elections , if any].
BJP should also select three possible candidates for each of the Parliament constituencies for three terms. They will work at both national levels
and grass root levels[ to panchayat levels].
They will be educated, should be very fluent in English and should be able to manage Hindi [ a tuition teacher can do wonders in about two months time].
None of them will be changed for any reasons. Even if the high command asks for , these lists alone are given to them.
Let them not work for winning but only for getting maximum number of votes.
Even on organisational level let them have a Good and energetic person as the State level president and an equally good 2 Vice Presidents. First five years the President will work with the active support of these two VPs and the better VP will become the next President. Once again, they should know both English and Hindi besides Malayalam.
There will be General secretaries in charge of one or two Districts and a treasurer.
State BJP need not go after NSS or SNDP or George’s or Thomas’s parties. BJP has good Nair leaders amongst them and the same goes for SNDP and other castes. Getting an Abdulla kutty as a leader member is better than getting a fraction of Muslim League.
Give people of all religious faith a respectable positions within the organisation , so that they start working for it from day one.
Let the RSS keep working as one of the best social service organisation along with Seva Bharathi. Get people from other political parties also membership to these two social service organisations like Rotary or Lions clubs. The difference being one donates time and effort and the other donates money and freebies.
For ten years let the party do not bother about the number of SEATs but just number of votes; seats will automatically come in about ten years, or may be a bit before.