Maharashtra Scoreboard

When the election results came out, shiv sena went against BJP, inspite of fighting the election together.  Minus 10 points.
When BJP told the Governor that they don’t have the numbers to form the government and hence unable to form the government,  they scored plus 10 points.
When Congress and NCP said that they will not take any unilateral decision,  but will find a joint decision,  they earned plus 10 points each.
BJP kept quiet,  while the discussions were happening amongst the other three, they earned plus 10 points.
The three took so long to come to an understanding inspite of so many meetings in Delhi and Mumbai,  giving the people of Maharashtra some kind of doubts, and hence the three earned minus ten points each.
BJP showed impatience and tried to form a government,  thereby losing all the sympathy and empathy,  people had for them, earning  minus ten points.
Governor in His eagerness to save the hassle and expenses of yet another election asked BJP to form a  government and I hope this will bring the other three warring parties to iron their differences and form a stable government,  as soon as the ‘ accidental government ‘ ( borrowing the words of modern day Shakuni) resigns , earning 100 points.  So as of now the Governor and through Him, Mr Modi wins….. score board will continue to analise the situation…