Thought of the Week – 38 – 2020
A positive mind finds opportunity in everything, while the negative mind finds faults in everything.
A positive mind finds opportunity in everything, while the negative mind finds faults in everything.
Time doesn’t heal anything; it just teaches us how to live with the pain. (Remembering my Shilu [Shailaja Nair], who left me on 9th September 2007).
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” -Mark Twain
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. -Walt Disney
There is no competition It’s always just YOU Vs YOU
No poison can kill a positive thinker & no medicine can cure a negative thinker.
When my intentions are pure, I don't lose anyone, people lose me.
I cannot undo my past moves, but I can certainly make my next move better.
Everything is within our power and our power is within us.
If I cannot handle stress, I will not be able to handle success .
Exercise needs to be looked at as a celebration of what our body can do and not as a punishment for what we ate.
A comfort zone is a beautiful place; but nothing ever grows there.
Blowing out someone else’s candle will not make my candle shine any brighter.
If your mind can conceive it, if your heart can believe it, then you can certainly achieve it.
Simple principle of Life; Never think you are nothing, but always think you are something and you can achieve anything.
People are successful not necessarily because they work hard. They just do the right things in any given situation.
“We all need each other; take good care. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy.”
Vocal for local should be our new mantra-across the world. Rebuilding our economy post this era should start from the place you live. Slowly increasing the diameter to a larger canvas.…
The best time to make friends is before you need them. -Ethel Barrymore.
A bird sitting on a weak tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch; but on her own wings. So learn to trust yourself.…
You can find inspiration from others, but determination is solely your responsibility.
A leader is the one who knows the way, goes(leads) that way and (thus) shows the way.
Talk (write) to someone who makes you happy. But never fail to talk with (write to) someone who feels like talking to you (or receive your message). I just did…
They say Hinduism is a way of life. And I say infinitheism is a way of thinking and we all know that our thoughts often define our lives. Look at…
“Nothing ever goes until it teaches us what we need to know.”
Dearest friend, A very humble request from your friend. “The best way to take care of the future (yours and others) is to take care of the present (yours and…
We cannot always choose the music life plays for us, but WE CAN choose how we dance to it.
When people see my messages, they think I’m addicted to messaging & I’m free. But it’s not right; actually, I’m addicted to holding onto relationships..!!
If you don’t go after what you want, you will never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you will always…
To do what I can, is normal. To go beyond my capacities, is a challenge. Where my capacities end, there begins, my faith. A strong faith sees the invisible, believes…
When gratitude is your wrapping paper, everything in your life is a gift.
If people are doubting how far you can go, then go so far that you can’t hear them. Keep moving ahead and don’t stop when you are tired; Stop when…
You may be upset because things are not perfect or people are not perfect; To be happy learn to give some space for imperfection in things or people.
There is no deadlock for successful people; because they believe that they will either find a way or make one.
Success & excuses do not go together. If you want to give excuses, forget about success; If you want success, forget the excuses.
Don’t be lawyers for your mistakes and don’t be judges of others mistakes; instead be a student to learn from yours and others mistakes.
Autumn shows us, how beautiful it is to let go of things
There are only two ways to live your life; One is as if nothing is a miracle, the other is as if everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein
My Dear Friend, This new year 2020 is going to be ours (yours and mine). Day by day in every way we will try to be a gift to the world…
Merry Christmas to you all. This is the time to feel grateful to Him for His sacrifices and unconditional love. Let us try to imbibe His teachings into our daily…
Be so positive, that negative people don’t wish to be around you.
Four beautiful thoughts of life; Look back & get experience. Look forward & see hope. Look around & find reality.Look within & find yourself.
Today, take a few moments to sit quietly and be thankful for all you have.
Nice things are rejected by people who can’t afford them; So, don’t be upset when people reject you.
I don’t regret the things I’ve done. I regret the things I didn’t do, when I had the chance.
Right attitude never takes you to the wrong direction.
There is no definition for a good day or a bad day. It all depends on you and your thoughts; either you rule the day or the day rules you.
A man, too busy to take care of his health, is like a mechanic, too busy to take care of his tools. This message comes from my personal experience and…
A successful person is not always judged by what he has achieved;but by what he overcame to achieve it.
When you focus on problems; you will have more problems. But when you focus on possibilities(solutions); you will have more opportunities.
I am not against the cows , but not in favor of those who own these cows and leave them unguarded on public places, especially on important streets etc. To…
An Individual can die for an idea; but the idea continues to live through many individuals. So never give up on your ideas and aspirations. Like my idea for creating…
Nairs used to be the leaders within and out side Kerala , once upon a time. This happened in various spheres of life. These leaders were not overly qualified ,…
In life don’t hesitate to take risks. If you win, you can lead If you lose, you can guide. In both situations take control of your life.
A question from my reader Amitabh Sharma: "Sir, I have seen lot of Brahmins eat non-vegetarian food. What will happen if a Brahmin eats non-vegetarian?" "What do you expect to…
Races are not won by accelerating in top gear, they are won by changing the gear at the right time. Always remember timely decisions in life will help you win…
Success is not final, failure is not fatal; It is the courage to continue that counts. -Winston S Churchill
My grandson Aarnav is a big fan of Narendra Modi ji. Along with us , he always made it a point to sit with us and listen to our PMs…
Every one seems to be so concerned about the slow down in the automobile sector and the resultant job loss. When these companies had hiked the prices to unimaginable heights,…
Even yesterday, the Sensex has dropped 700 points.Reasons for this drop are many. Let us not get into the reasons for this, now. Please treat it as an opportunity for…
This story reinforces my belief in the rules and regulations. Rules and regulations are made for people and not otherwise. Look at the spirit of it rather than the letters. …
“Individual Commitment to a Group Effort” That is what we call ‘Team Work’. When “ME” aligns to “WE” You can see Success in a TEAM. If you focus on the…
There is no slow down in this world; there is a slowing down. People used to buy things that they did not need, they could not afford and they did…
Be a warrior and not a worrier. Try and fail, but don’t fail to try. Showing off is the fool’s idea of glory. Strength doesn’t come from what you “CAN”…
“F.E.A.R Has two meaning Forget Everything and Run Face Everything and Rise The Choice is Yours…” “If you cannot do Great things Do Small things in a Great way… One…
Let new beginnings signify new chapter filled with pages of success and happiness, written by the ink of hard work and intelligence. Believe where others doubt. Work where others refuse.…