Talking about Indian judiciary system, one need to start with ‘ swatch Bharat ‘ from the court rooms. It’s all kept so dirty.
The dress code is so disgraceful that we need to probably have a competition amongst Indians to suggest a new set of dress, considering the tier 1 to tier 3 cities and taluk HQs.
The way the advocates come and solicit business is a real sad scene.
To get these guys to do well, bar councils should give them some kind of training and also make them watch some of those Hindi movies, where the lawyers were the heroes.
We should also make students go for the 5-year program for LLM than going for engineering. And then get all the educational institutions ( schools and colleges) used up on their holidays to be used up as temporary courts to take up all the pending cases across India. Let some newspapers or TV channels or NGOS or CSR wing of a group do some kind of competition for the judges across India for disposing maximum number of cases, for different kind of courts. Till such time, we are in a position to get justice, within a reasonable period of time, people will lose complete faith in the courts and judiciary. This is something that is easily doable, and the NDA government must give this a chance.