New Traffic Rules

We often talk about our 5000 + years old civilisation.

I do not think we have anything to do with it. We have neither created it nor practicing it.

Certain countries like Singapore ,  who may not even talk about 100 years of culture are far better than us as far as civility is concerned.

They [the citizens] know that rules are made for their benefits and hence they abide by it without any protest.

No one is above rules as well.

If chewing gum. Is not allowed, its not allowed. No one will sell it , no one will buy it and no one will smuggle it.

If we want to tell the world that we are proud of our 5000 years old civilisation, live it up.

Please do not blame it on the government or roads or anything else as your excuse for violating the rules.

Vast majority , do not take the trouble to either vote for the right candidate or don’t stand for elections to MCs, State Assemblies or Parliament there by electing bad choices. When you allow these bad choices to get elected you will get bad roads and bad Governance.

For the next few elections ,please do not look at the political parties but look at the candidates and their quality. Select the right candidate and the political parties will start selecting good , honest and able people as their candidates.

So stop demanding change of laws [to ban capital punishment so that we can kill people, without fear]. Trust you got it. All OURproblems start with US.

Only these three words are important ; WE, OUR and US. So let us take care of this.