Thought of the Week – 2019

Thought of the Week – 2019

“Individual Commitment to a Group Effort”

That is what we call

‘Team Work’.

When “ME” aligns to “WE”

You can see Success in a TEAM.

If you focus on the hurt,

you will continue to suffer.

If you focus on the lesson,

you will continue to GROW.

Do not expect other people to live

by your standards.


not everyone is like YOU.

Never search your happiness in others,

it will make you feel alone.

Search it in yourself,

and you will feel happy even when left alone.

Thinking is difficult,

that’s why

most people judge.

Work hard in silence;

Let SUCCESS make the Noise.

Shakespeare Said:

“I always feel happy.

You know why?

Because I don’t expect anything

from anyone.

Expectations always hurt.”

“I have many problems in my life.

But my lips don’t know that.

They always SMILE.”


is also a form



Having a SOFT heart in a cruel world.

“Working for success will make you a Master;

but working for satisfaction will make you a LEGEND”

“Sometimes, prayers don’t change the Situation

But, it changes our Attitude towards the Situation.”

Don’t become a product of your Circumstance,

be A product of your Decision.

The size of your problem is nothing compared with your ability to solve them.

Don’t overestimate your problem and underestimate yourself.

“We make a living by what we get;

but we make a life by what we give.”

“Running away from problems only increases the distance from the solutions.

The Easiest way to escape from problems is to solve it.”

“Always take care of three things in life Promise; Friendship & Relationship

because they don’t make noise but when they break they create silence.”

“If you want something

you never had,

you have to do something

you have never done.”

Days begin with hope

and end with dreams.

Every day starts with expectations and ends with some experience.

That’s Life!!

Words are like keys,

if you choose them right,

they can open any heart

and shut any mouth.

It is not only what we do,

but also what we do not do,

for which we are accountable.

Always, live an accountable life.

One man can be a

crucial ingredient on a Team;

but One man cannot

make a Team.

Communication is the lifeline of any relationship.

When you stop communicating,

you start losing your valuable relationships.

So disturb everybody at least once a week,

as I do and hold on to your friendship.


is a crazy mathematics,

it multiplies when divided.”

Prestige comes,

when you feel that you have done something well.

Honour comes,

when others feel you have done something well.

As I get older, I really want to be surrounded by

(connected to) good people.

People that are good for me,

good to me and good for my soul.

This message coming to you is an indication that

you are one such good person in my life.

Even a correct decision is wrong

when it’s too late.

Life is a game of timing,

respect time and time will respect you.

I’m stronger because I had to be,

I’m smarter because of my mistakes,

I’m happier because of the sadness

I have known (experienced),

I’m wiser because I’m learning.

You may not be perfect in many things;

But many things cannot be perfect without you.

So stay special in your own little ways.

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong

and start being excited of what could go right.

The “If’s” and “But’s”

will always pull you away from success.

We all have two lives.

The second life starts the day

you realize we have only one Life.

Live Your life.

Change the changeable,

accept the unchangeable,

and remove yourself from the unacceptable.

Your life does not get better by chance

it gets better by change.


Problems are not reasons to give up;

but a challenge to improve ourselves,

not an excuse to back out;

but an inspiration to move forward.

Mistakes are the most easy & most difficult things in life.

Easy to judge when others do it;

Difficult to realize when we do it.